Landmark national security trial opens in Hong Kong for prominent publisher Jimmy Lai

A landmark national security trial for prominent activist publisher Jimmy Lai opened on Monday in Hong Kong, which is viewed as a significant test for press freedom and judicial independence in Hong Kong.

Key details: This trial is Hong Kong’s first on charges of collusion with foreign forces and is tied to the closed pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, founded by Lai.
* Lai, 76, was arrested in August 2020 during a crackdown on the city’s pro-democracy movement and faces a possible life sentence.
* He is charged with colluding with foreign forces to endanger national security and conspiring with others to put out seditious publications.
* The trial also targets three companies related to Apple Daily and is expected to last about 80 days.

Background: China promised that Hong Kong, a former British colony, could retain Western-style civil liberties for 50 years after returning to Chinese rule in 1997.
* However, under the notion of maintaining national security, the Hong Kong government has severely limited free speech and political opposition.
* Many leading activists have been arrested, silenced, or forced into self-exile.

International reaction: Several countries have voiced concern over the trial and have called for Lai’s release.
* The U.S. State Department condemned the prosecution of Lai and urged the Hong Kong and Beijing authorities to respect press freedom.
* Britain’s foreign secretary, David Cameron, termed the security law a “clear breach” of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and called for the repeal of the security law and the release of Lai.

Current press freedom status: Hong Kong, once viewed as a bastion of media freedom in Asia, ranked 140th out of 180 in Reporters Without Borders’ latest World Press Freedom Index.
* The city has seen an “unprecedented setback” since 2020, when the security law was imposed.
* Another outlet known for its critical stance against the Hong Kong government, Stand News, has also been forced to shut down as part of the ongoing crackdown.
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