Quakes killed thousands in Afghanistan. Critics say Taliban relief efforts fall short

Devastating earthquakes in Afghanistan led to thousands of deaths and homelessness, with recovery hindered by a lack of preparedness and international support.

Crisis response: The recovery has been criticized for being ill-equipped and slowed by the Taliban’s isolation from international support and decision to ban women staffers from aid organizations.
* Aid workers have been resorting to using sticks, shovels, and bare hands for rescue efforts due to a lack of necessary equipment.
* Recovery efforts also suffered due to trained professionals from the previous administration having left the country.

Casualty figures: Around 1,480 people have been killed and 27,150 affected across six Herat districts as per UN reports, while the Taliban’s Ministry of Disaster Management reports that the casualties are over 4,000.
* As rescuers continue to find missing people under the debris, these figures may rise.

Taliban and Aid Obstruction: The Taliban’s interference, including preventing the distribution of aid and restricting the participation of women aid workers, has hampered rescue and relief efforts.
* Their focus on collecting donations instead of developing long-term plans for survivors has been criticized.
* The absence of women aid workers has disproportionately affected women and children who constitute over 90% of those killed.

Community Impact: As days pass, the hope of finding loved ones under debris is fading fast.
* Stories of families still searching for their missing loved ones underscore the tragic human toll of the disaster.

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