The Hollywood writers strike is over. What’s next for the writers?

The Hollywood writers strike, represented by the Writers Guild of America (WGA), ends after 148 days, with the writers looking forward to getting back to work.

The story so far: The writers’ strike involved heavy organizing and negotiating to reach a historical deal with the studios.
* The strike saw various incidents and personal impacts on the writers, many of whom struggled financially and faced industry uncertainty due to the rise of AI.

Writers’ perspective: Elise Brown and Kylie Brakeman, two members of the WGA, shared their personal experiences and thoughts about the deal.
* Brown shared her struggle with anxiety and tension during the strike, which affected her ability to write.
* Brakeman regarded the strike as a necessity to establish a framework for residuals for streaming, insisting that writing is work and cannot be replaced by AI.

Thoughts on the future: Despite the end of the strike, Brown and Brakeman express anticipation and concern for the future.
* They are eager to return to work, with Brakeman missing the collaborative spirit of the writers’ room.
* Brown expressed sympathy for those still seeking work given the industry’s contraction during the strike and hopes for a beneficial deal for the actors still on strike.

The deal’s implications: The agreement reached protects the writers’ work from being used to train AI and includes provisions about whether AI-generated material is considered intellectual property.

View original article on NPR

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