Up First briefing: FTX fraud trial begins; how tech shapes our bodies

The founder of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, is in court for a fraud trial, Ukrainian troops are pushing back against Russian-occupied land, Pope Francis is holding a synod discussing LGBTQ+ Catholics, the U.N. approved a resolution for an armed force in Haiti, and technology is impacting our physical health.

Important Court Proceedings: Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange FTX, faces a fraud trial beginning today.
* He has pleaded guilty to seven criminal counts and could spend life in prison if found guilty.
* Prosecutors allege he utilized investor money from FTX to plug a financial deficit in Alameda Research, a crypt-focused hedge fund also founded by him.

Ukrainian Progress and U.S. Aid: Ukrainian troops are making small headway in retaking Russian-occupied land while U.S. support is fading.
* The temporary spending bill Congress passed recently to keep the federal government open did not include further aid for Ukraine.
* Ukraine’s new defense minister, Rustem Umerov, aims to collaborate with allies to produce needed weapons and export them post-war.

Papal Engagement with LGBTQ+ Issues: Pope Francis indicates there could be ways to bless same-sex unions if they are not mistaken for sacramental marriage.
* This statement arrives ahead of a three-week meeting that commences tomorrow, a synod where women will have the chance to vote on the future of the church and LGBTQ+ Catholics will be a significant topic.

Security in Haiti: The U.N. Security Council has accepted a resolution by the U.S. and Ecuador to send a multinational armed force, led by Kenya, to combat gang violence in Haiti.
* This response is to a plea for international help nearly a year ago by Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

The Impacts of Technology: Technologies are affecting our physical health as 85% of people in the U.S. now have sedentary jobs.
* Average U.S. adults spend 11 hours daily on some form of technology, which can increase risks of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.
* TED Radio Hour is investigating this relationship between technology and our bodies and examining potential improvements like breaking sedentary habits.

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