They were wrongfully imprisoned 9 years ago. For Yeganeh, the pain is still fresh

Yeganeh “Yegi” Rezaian, who was wrongfully imprisoned in Iran in 2014, details her experience and reflects on its lingering effects.

Background of the incident: Yegi was arrested along with her husband, Jason Rezaian, in 2014 under false espionage charges in Iran.
* They were both held in Evin Prison, known for detaining political prisoners and those who dare to oppose the regime.

Yegi’s experience: During her imprisonment, she recalls feeling fear, uncertainty, and loneliness.
* She didn’t see her husband for 37 days after being imprisoned.
* After being released, Yegi lived in limbo while her husband remained detained, describing it as a “very lonely situation.”

The aftermath: Released after 544 days in captivity, Jason returned to the U.S. with Yegi to start anew.
* Yegi expressed that every time a hostage story arises, it stirs painful memories and paralyzes her.
* Now a mother, she shifts focus to her son during such times to avoid reliving the painful experience.

Reflection and growth: Despite the turmoil, Yegi believes the ordeal taught her patience and the importance of cherishing loved ones.
* She prioritizes spending time with her family, acknowledging that all other world affairs can wait.

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