Tropical Storm Lee will soon be a major hurricane – with 145 mph winds or more

Tropical Storm Lee, recently formed in the Atlantic Ocean, is predicted to become a major hurricane with winds up to 145 mph by this weekend.

About the Storm: Lee currently has winds of around 45 mph and is moving towards the Leeward Islands.
* This projected wind speed has increased from earlier predictions due to above-average water temperatures in the area where the storm is set to be.

Forecast Insights: Forecasters are already using stark language about the storm, indicating it is only a matter of time before it intensifies into a powerful Category 4 hurricane.
* However, as it is still early in its development, it’s too soon to confidently predict the storm’s eventual course.

Possible Path: Most long-range models suggest Lee may curve north and stay offshore, therefore missing both the Caribbean and the United States.
* This prediction is not infallible – parallels are being drawn to Hurricane Irma in 2017, which was predicted to follow a similar path but ended up striking the Gulf coast of Florida.

By the numbers: Lee is the 13th named storm of an above-average Atlantic hurricane season this year.
* Only four other years on record – 2005, 2011, 2012, and 2020 – have had 13 or more Atlantic named storms by September 5th, according to researcher Phil Klotzbach.

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