Guatemala’s anti-corruption candidate wins presidency in a landslide vote

In Guatemala, reformist candidate Bernardo Arévalo has won the presidency with a significant lead against the competitors, with his victory marking a potential shift against corruption and authoritarianism.

Driving the news: Bernardo Arévalo, a center-left, anti-corruption candidate, is poised to become the president-elect of Guatemala with over 20% more votes than contenders.
* The former diplomat and son of Guatemala’s first democratically elected President, Arévalo, and his Semilla party were considered outsiders in the political sphere just months ago.
* Despite pre-election voter apathy, polls had predicted Arévalo’s victory, signaling a potential shift towards reform and against Guatemala’s history of corruption and sliding towards authoritarianism.

Reactions: Outgoing conservative President Alejandro Giammattei congratulated Arévalo on X (former Twitter) and pressed for an “orderly transition” of power.
* Celebrations have erupted among Arévalo’s supporters, with many praising what they perceive as a defense of democracy.
* The previous first lady, Sandra Torres, however, has not yet conceded the election and has indicated her intent to challenge the results in court.

Arévalo’s message: Running on a platform centered around anti-corruption, Arévalo has vowed to stand united with the people to combat corruption.
* The incoming president said during a press conference, “This victory belongs to the people of Guatemala and now, united as the Guatemalan people, we will fight against corruption.”

View original article on NPR

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