Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis is crowdfunding her Georgia indictment defense fees

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis is crowdfunding her defence fees after being indicted alongside the former president and 17 others.

Crowdfunding efforts: Jenna Ellis organized a crowdfunding campaign to support her defence fees following her indictment.
* Ellis posted a link on X, the former Twitter social media platform, to her crowdfunding efforts.
* A statement on the GiveSendGo fundraising site, written on behalf of Ellis, states that the former Trump attorney is “being targeted and the government is trying to criminalize the practice of law.”

By the numbers: Ellis has raised over $13,000 as of Wednesday afternoon according to the crowdfunding page.
* The fundraising site also allows supporters to send prayers, and Ellis has already received over 1,000.

What’s next: Ellis, along with other members of Trump’s former legal team, is indicted for attempting to overturn Georgia’s 2020 presidential election results.
* The charges are state-level and cannot be pardoned by a re-elected Trump in 2024.
* Ellis has publicly backed Floridian Governor Ron DeSantis in the Republican presidential primary.

Looking back: Ellis, a prominent figure during Trump’s tenure, admitted to making 10 “misrepresentations” during Trump’s attempts to maintain power following the 2020 election, leading to her censure by Colorado legal officials.

View original article on NPR

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