The mysterious story of Connie Converse, the singer-songwriter who vanished

Singer-songwriter Connie Converse, a precursor to Bob Dylan who disappeared in 1974, is having her music released posthumously.

Backstory: In the 1950s, Converse performed music in New York City which largely went unnoticed.
* By 1961, disappointed by the music industry, she moved from New York to start a new life in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Rediscovery and release: Converse’s early recordings were released for the first time in 2009, gaining her a fanbase.
* One fan, author and musician Howard Fishman, published a comprehensive biography of Converse in May titled “To Anyone Who Ever Asks: The Life, Music, and Mystery of Connie Converse.”
* A new album, “Musicks” which contains 32 songs recorded by Converse herself in 1956, will be released on August 11, increasing the known Converse discography substantially.

The Disappearance: Connie Converse vanished in 1974, leaving behind letters to family and friends indicating her choice to start a new life untraced.
* The details of her life post-1974 remain a mystery as neither her car nor her body was ever found.

Legacy: Songs like “One by One” and “When I Go Traveling,” found on the new album, allude to themes of solitude and traveling, reflecting Connie’s life and disappearance.

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