Denmark’s latest Quran burning sparks more outrage in Iraq and other Muslim nations

Protests ignited in several Muslim-majority countries after ultranationalist group, Danish Patriots, burned the Quran outside the Iraqi Embassy in Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen.

What Happened: The public desecration of the Quran is the latest in a series of similar incidents in Denmark and neighbouring Sweden.
* This has led to public demonstrations triggered in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan and other locations.
* While authorities in Sweden and Denmark condemned the desecration of the Quran, they have allowed such incidents under their freedom of expression and right to protest laws.

The Fallout in Iraq: Following the Quran burning, major protests broke out in Iraq.
* Hundreds of protesters in Iraq tried to storm Baghdad’s Green Zone, which houses foreign embassies and governmental buildings.
* Demonstrators also targeted the facilities of the Danish Refugee Council, an aid group, in the city of Basra.

Reaction From Iraqi government: The Iraqi government called on European nations to reconsider their freedom of expression laws.
* The Iraqi government recently expelled the Swedish ambassador and withdrew its chargé d’affaires from Stockholm in response to Sweden’s failure to prevent desecration of the Quran.

Who’s who: The protest was carried out by the ultranationalist group called Danish Patriots.
* The report covering these incidents came from Beirut and Berlin, Philip Ruth Sherlock and Esme Nicholson respectively.

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