‘I am crying at my salon’: Taliban orders Kabul beauty parlors to shut down

Taliban is imposing a ban on beauty salons in Kabul, impacting the lives and economic status of numerous Afghan women.

New regulation: The Taliban ban on beauty salons is to come into effect by the end of July, shutting down around 3,000 women-run salons in Kabul.
* This move not only impacts the women salon owners and employees but also confines the public life of women and girls further, as these salons served as popular congregating spots.
* The ban has been imposed by the Ministry for the Prevention of Vice and the Promotion of Virtue, citing reasons like high debt acquired for wedding makeovers and unIslamic practices at salons.

Economic impact: Beauty salons served as consistent money-makers for Afghan women, including those opened under Taliban rule.
* Salon owner, Samia Faqiri’s business, for example, generated around $700 a month and employed eight women, many of them single mothers or the sole earners in their families.
* Another salon owner, Yalda Hashimi, had also been supporting her family through her salon.

Reactions and consequences: The impending ban has stirred panic amongst both salon owners and their employees.
* The ban has been condemned by U.N. officials and Western diplomats such as Rina Amiri, the U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan, who noted that this action further isolates women and alters the nation’s character.
* Some women salon workers are planning to leave the country following the ban. For instance, Yalda Hashimi, a 22-year-old salon owner, is seeking a trafficker to escape to Pakistan or Turkey.

Uncertainty looms: The salon workers, who have been on tenterhooks since the Taliban takeover two years ago, are now apprehending an extension of the ban to all 12,000 salons in Afghanistan.
* They have been expressing their despair and fear of living in a country with little to no financial sustenance for them as women.

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