Up First briefing: Sweden’s NATO approval; Israel protests; Emmy predictions

Today’s key news includes Turkey agreeing to back Sweden’s NATO entry, anti-government protests in Israel, extreme weather in the US, and the potential benefits of the drug doxycycline.

Geopolitical developments: Turkey’s President Erdogan has agreed to secure parliamentary approval for Sweden to join NATO, ahead of the NATO summit in Lithuanian capital Vilnius.
* Sweden has agreed to cooperate with Turkey on counterterrorism issues and support Turkey’s EU membership efforts.
* This move is seen as a sign of NATO’s unity in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which prompted Sweden’s desire to join the alliance.

Civil unrest in Israel: Anti-government protests have erupted in Israel again due to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s revived plans for judicial reform.
* These plans, which protesters claim undermine democracy, were previously postponed in March due to similar protests.
* Israel’s parliament has given initial approval to a prohibiting courts from intervening in elected officials’ decisions deemed unreasonable.

Extreme weather conditions: The South in the US continues to face extreme heat, while parts of the Northeast, particularly Vermont, are experiencing heavy rains and flash floodings.
* Vermont saw more than 50 water rescues yesterday, and official concern is rising that rivers could crest and dams could overflow.

Health news: Doxycycline, a commonly available drug, could lower the risk of contracting chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis when taken shortly after sex.
* The CDC plans to release guidance for doctors and public health departments to offer this drug by summer.

Upcoming event: Emmy nominations will be announced tomorrow amid potential writers’ and actors’ strikes.
* This situation makes this year’s Emmys particularly unpredictable.

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