Why a game in which you look for a real, live pink elephant could help save the world

Brazilian game inventor Edgard Gouveia Jr. is developing a global game called “Jornada X” to engage kids and teenagers in undertaking efforts to save life on the planet.

The Game’s Creator: Gouveia, who has implemented gaming strategies within various sectors and demographics, advocates for using challenges and games to solve real-world problems.
* He suggests games can harness collective action and creativity, citing his childhood experience with the game “gincana”, a yearly community-wide event featuring impractical missions solved through teamwork.

The Power of Gaming: Gouveia believes that games can transform mindsets of scarcity and competitiveness into feelings of abundance and cooperation.
* He says gaming helps to build communities that value sharing and caring, arguing that even individuals engrained in scarcity-based thinking can quickly respond to an environment of deep connection and acceptance generated by cooperative gaming.

The ‘Jornada X’: “Jornada X” encourages kids and teenagers to think critically about their neighborhoods, identify an issue and devise a solution to implement within seven weeks as a team.
* Feedback from the game’s trials in Brazil and over 15 countries has been promising, with participants expressing an interest in creating a global network.

Community Impact: “Jornada X” promotes community interaction by encouraging the young participants to seek advice from local experts and mobilize adults to get involved in implementing their solution.
* Through this approach, not only does the game trigger community improvement initiatives, but it also revitalizes human connections within these neighborhoods. It reinforces individual and community levels of trust, joy, and altruistic spirit.

Gouveia is optimistic that this gaming strategy could have a transformative global impact, affirming, “So it’s coming. It’s coming.”

View original article on NPR

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