A Florida condo tower’s collapse may have begun on its pool deck

Federal experts investigating the 2021 Champlain Towers South collapse in Florida are focusing on the failure of the building’s pool deck.

Leading failure hypothesis: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) believes the condo’s concrete columns and pool deck were constructed improperly and didn’t meet building codes.
* Thousands of hours were spent interviewing witnesses, examining design documents, and studying sections of steel-reinforced concrete.

Findings so far: The federal team found problems in the concrete casting, making it permeable to water and corroding the steel reinforcement, improper rebar placement into the concrete slabs, and heavy items placed on vulnerable sections of the weakened pool deck.
* Lead investigator Glenn Bell states the design of the structure failed to meet the codes at the time of construction and current standards.

Looking ahead: NIST’s final report isn’t expected for another two years, while families of the victims and survivors reached a $1 billion settlement last year.
* A new 12-story beachfront condo tower is being planned for the site of the collapse.

View original article on NPR

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