Boy, 11, called police in Mississippi. A cop shot him

An 11-year-old boy in Mississippi was shot by a police officer after calling 911 for help, and the family is demanding answers.

The incident: Aderrien Murry called 911 when the father of one of his mother’s other children appeared at their house and she was concerned for her safety.
* The officer shot Aderrien in the chest after he left his room.
* Aderrien’s injuries include a collapsed lung, a fractured rib, and a lacerated liver.

Family’s demands: The Murry family is asking for the release of police body camera footage of the incident and the firing of the officer who shot Aderrien.
* The officer involved, Sgt. Greg Capers, has been removed from active duty.

Investigation: The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is investigating the shooting and will share their findings with the Attorney General’s Office.

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