How will the Ukraine document investigation work? A former DOJ ‘leak czar’ explains

Classified U.S. documents on the war in Ukraine have surfaced on social media, prompting an investigation by the Pentagon and the Justice Department.

The situation: Secret military documents were found on Twitter and Telegram, with more discovered on other sites; some were posted as early as March 1.
* The documents appear to be briefing slides for top Pentagon and national security officials.

The investigation: The FBI and DOJ are working with intelligence officials to identify the source of the leaks and remediate the damage.
* They are issuing search warrants and subpoenas to third parties and companies with potentially relevant information.
* Priorities include identifying who had access to the leaked documents and stopping further leaks.

Why it matters: The leaked documents pose a potential threat to U.S. national security and the Ukraine war strategy.
* Former DOJ “leak czar” Brandon Van Grack emphasizes the importance of law enforcement in this case to prevent further damage and added leaks.

On the importance of handling classified documents: Millions of Americans have access to classified information, making monitoring impossible; enforcing laws against unlawful retention or disclosure of classified information is crucial in preventing such leaks.
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